Sports Up Podcast
Sports Up Podcast
Inside the Life of a Professional Sportswriter
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Charlotte BrackettCharlotte Brackett is the Assistant Director of Varsity Athletics Communications at Dartmouth College. After serving as the department’s intern, she was promoted to the full-time assistant position in 2015. Before this, Charlotte interned at MIT and worked as the Athletic Public Relations Student Assistant at the University of Richmond, where she received her BA in English and Journalism. She has also been a competitive swimmer her entire life and was a member of the University of Richmond’s varsity swim team.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

In this episode…

What is it like being a female sportswriter in 2021? According to Charlotte Brackett, it involves a heavy workload, game-day reporting, and some mansplaining — but that hasn’t stopped her from achieving her dream job in the field of college sports.

Charlotte was a competitive swimmer her entire life and graduated college with a degree in English, but she never considered blending her two passions together. It wasn’t until she interned in the sports departments at the University of Richmond and MIT that she fell in love with sports writing. Charlotte is now going on seven years as a sportswriter at Dartmouth College, and she’s here to share her advice to other women and minorities looking to join the sports industry.

On this episode of the Sports Up Podcast, Meredith Syms chats with Charlotte Brackett, the Assistant Director of Varsity Athletics Communications at Dartmouth College, about how she launched her career in sports writing. Charlotte discusses her background in swimming, the gender gap in the sports industry, and how she avoids burnout while reporting on multiple teams at once. Stay tuned for more!

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This episode is brought to you by me, Meredith Syms.

My biggest personal and professional passion is to be one of the top female leaders in sports broadcasting—a typically male-dominated industry.

Communications, interviewing, and broadcasting are some of my biggest skills and interests, and I want to develop this podcast as a way of sharing my passions with you, the listener.

I am currently working toward my goal of interning for a professional sports team. If you know someone I should connect with, please send me an email at I am willing to work my butt off!

I am always looking for more great guests to feature on the Sports Up Podcast. If you or someone you know is an inspiring female leader, I would love to hear from you.

To learn more about me and what I do, visit today!

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